I Throw My Dunce Cap into the Ring

So, after gushing over the SIWE project in my last post, the Spruce ID team finally created their first reference implementation on Github. And after a couple tweeks (since Mozilla seems to be a little troublesome), it worked! Hurray!

And other people are beginning to discover the project and get involved, especially within the channels of Discord. Talk about something like standardizing UI controls for login (much like Apple does) gets me excited at all the potential. The more basic and fundamental the discussion, the more it all seems like it could be real someday soon. πŸ™‚

So, with much hubris, I thought that I could somehow contribute to this whole movement, by attempting to port their reference implementation to C#. And so siwe-nethereum was born! I had to steal some code from the Nethereum project to get it started, and I’ve probably made a mess of it…

Hopefully, Juan Blanco will forgive me. It was done with the best of intentions, and I hope that it doesn’t ruin our friendship. πŸ™‚

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